Studies show that standing desks are not beneficial to workers’ health
A recent study indicates that the use of standing workstations and treadmills by employers to aid in the prevention of repetitive motion claims, is nothing more than an ineffective trend. Such workstations are said to be ergonomically safer for the health of employees. They have been praised as a way in which to improve posture […]
Study shows long-term opioid prescription may increase recovery time of lower back injuries
According to a recent study conducted by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), prescribing opioids for a longer period of time can significantly increase the length of temporary disability among workers who suffer work-related lower back injuries. Temporary disability is the time that workers spend outside of work recuperating from the injuries they sustained at […]
Employees v. independent contractors and their rights to workers’ compensation
Climbing trees to clear utility lines or trim dead limbs can be dangerous. A man fell 30 feet out of a tree while trimming trees in Mahwah, New Jersey. To obtain compensation in New Jersey, employees need to be categorized as either an employee or an independent contractor. The Mahwah tree cutter worked for a […]
Judge orders public employer to pay for injured worker’s marijuana
A workers’ compensation judge in New Jersey ordered Freehold Township to reimburse a public employee for his marijuana. While this was the first time a workers’ compensation judge in New Jersey ordered a public employer to reimburse an injured worker for medical marijuana, a New Jersey workers’ compensation judge previously ordered a private employer to […]