Medical Records in New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Claims
Those who suffer injuries or develop an illness in the workplace may file a claim under New Jersey’s Workers’ Compensation laws. The law allows injured or sick workers, or their beneficiaries, to use benefits for medical treatment, income replacement, new job training, long-term disability benefits, and reasonable funeral expenses. Securing these benefits requires the injured […]
I’ve Been Injured In An Accident, What Is My Case Worth?
This is often the first question clients ask personal injury attorneys. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to answer because there are many factors that go into that determination. There is no specific mechanism or formula to determine the value of a personal injury claim because every case is different. Depending on who is looking at the […]
Speed Limiters on Trucks Can Reduce Camden County Accidents
Installing speed limiters on trucks is not a new concept, but advocates are pushing for them once again. Limiters could have been installed over a decade ago, but no action was taken for various reasons. In the meantime, Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington Counties continued to experience truck accidents that could have been prevented. In 1995 […]
New Jersey Issues Stop-Work Orders to Prevent Injury, Exploitation
In 2019, New Jersey changed its labor laws to make it easier for the state’s Department of Labor to crack down on unsafe work conditions and unfair treatment of workers. Since then, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development has issued seventy-one stop-work orders. Most of the orders issued to date went to construction companies. […]