Petrillo & Goldberg Law Blog

Safety advocates predicted that the year’s traffic deaths would reach a record high. Now that the final numbers are in, these predictions have proven true.

Traffic Deaths on New Jersey Roads Reach 15-Year Peak


Throughout 2022, safety advocates predicted that the year’s traffic deaths would reach a record high. Now that the final numbers are in, these predictions have proven true. In 2022, 705 people lost their lives in New Jersey roadway crashes – a peak not seen since 2007.  2022 New Jersey Crash Statistics Reveal Grim Trends Traffic […]

As with any new year ushered in, there is the hope that carnage on the highways and byways is less than the year previous. 2024 is not off to a good start, state-wise and locally, in Camden County.

Fatal Crash Stats 2024 Steps to Take to Seek Medical and Legal Help


As with any new year ushered in, there is the hope that carnage on the highways and byways is less than the year previous. 2024 is not off to a good start, state-wise and locally, in Camden County. Camden County’s current crash stats, which constantly change and are updated frequently, indicate 18 crashes to 04/21/2024, a figure that includes 7 drivers, 2 passengers, […]

If you’re facing an unfair workers’ compensation determination, it may be time to challenge that determination. Here’s what injured employees need to know to challenge an unfair workers’ compensation determination in New Jersey.

Disputing Benefits: How to Challenge Unfair Workers’ Compensation Determinations in New Jersey


You were injured at work. You told your employer who started the workers’ compensation process. You thought you had coverage – but now you’re hearing different. If you’re facing an unfair workers’ compensation determination, it may be time to challenge that determination. Here’s what injured employees need to know to challenge an unfair workers’ compensation […]