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Road Rage Car Accident Attorneys

Road rage is an increasingly witnessed or experienced phenomenon by many drivers. As congestion and traffic increases, frustration and conflict are likely.

Aggressive driving, known to result in road rage, is a serious problem nationwide. A large number of drivers, including those in South New Jersey, feel that aggressive driving is the biggest threat to their safety on the road. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says aggressive drivers were at-fault for over 106,000 deaths in the nation in four years.

A frustrated, aggressive driver can react in several ways by losing their temper, making rude gestures, rolling down a window and shouting obscenities, or repetitively honking their horn. Road rage can also be expressed through behaviors like running another driver off the road, speeding up and slowing down erratically, improper lane changes, ignoring traffic signals and signs, tailgating, rear-ending another driver’s car, gesturing at another driver with a bat or another weapon, and chasing another vehicle aggressively.

Petrillo & Goldberg Law understands how difficult it is to be involved in a road rage accident. It is a situation that no one ever wants to find themselves in. Recovering from such an ordeal can also be traumatic. We are here to help you cope with your experience and to ensure you get fair and equitable compensation.

A slight difference between aggressive driving and road rage exists, although the difference may be without a distinction when filing a lawsuit. Aggressive driving may cause crashes and result in injuries and property damage. Road rage occurs when a driver intentionally attempts to harm another driver by trying to use their vehicle as a weapon or use something else in the car to hurt the other driver. According to the American Safety Council, 37 percent of road rage cases involve firearms.

Before 2012, in New Jersey, a person charged with road rage or reckless driving resulting in serious bodily injury, could only, at one time, be charged with fourth-degree assault by auto. In 2012, Jessica’s Law came into being increasing criminal penalties for rage-fueled drivers who injure others. The new law states that a rage-fueled driver can be charged with a third-degree offense.

In New Jersey, a third-degree offense is punishable with a 3- to a 5-year prison sentence, and the driver can be fined up to $15,000. Typically, for a road rage accident to be charged as a third-degree offense, the injuries sustained must be significant. If the injuries are not as severe, the driver who caused the accident may be charged with a fourth-degree offense. A fourth-degree offense carries with it a penalty of up to a year and a half in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

At Petrillo & Goldberg Law, we have decades of experience dealing with road rage car accidents. If you have been involved in a road rage accident, you need to discuss your case with the New Jersey road rage accident attorneys at Petrillo & Goldberg Law. We do not quit until we have resolved your case and obtained compensation for your injuries.

If you have been involved in a road rage accident, do not wait to contact Petrillo & Goldberg Law to find out what your legal rights are and how to file a claim for compensation.

Petrillo & Goldberg Law help personal injury victims obtain the compensation they deserve and are available for a free consultation at our Pennsauken, New Jersey office. You can also reach us by phone by calling (856) 249-9288.


I have dealt with other law firms, and there is no comparison. It is an honor to know you and I must say, that I have the highest regard for your integrity.

- Lance Zeaman



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The highly competent lawyers at Petrillo and Goldberg represent clients with personal injury claims, workers compensation claims, slip-and-fall cases and automobile accident victims. We work for you, and take our job of getting the best possible results for you seriously.