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What Will Happen If My Case Goes to Trial? What If There Is or Isn’t A Settlement Offer?

Video Transcript:

Petrillo: Well, what will happen if I go to trial? If there’s a settlement offer, if there’s not?

Goldberg: I’ve had two cases within the last two years where a certain insurance company that we deal with a lot gave us their first offers on the second day of trial. Ever. From cases that had been in the system for over three years.

Petrillo: Right.

Goldberg: First offers came on the second day of trial. Why would that be? I have no idea, but that does happen. Sometimes an offer never comes. Sometimes they want to offer money early, but it isn’t what the case is worth, and if that’s the situation, we’re not going to settle for a cheap number just because there’s an offer because we want to get our client’s justice.

Petrillo: So sometimes you might have a case where there’s an offer on the table and you have to make a decision if you’re going to go to trial or not.

Goldberg: Right.

Petrillo: But then it sounds like other times there’s no offer, and you really don’t have a choice.

Goldberg: Exactly. Yeah. Well, we’re not taking nothing. So it’s a … That’s … We’re in for the long haul with our clients, essentially. So if there’s a settlement offer that is appropriate, we’ll take every settlement offer to our clients. But if it’s appropriate, we’ll recommend it. If it’s not.

Petrillo: And who makes the final decision?

Goldberg: Client always makes the final decision.

Petrillo: Really?

Goldberg: It’s their case.

Petrillo: Really?

Goldberg: We will recommend. They are free to disagree with us, but we will always tell them what we think based on our experience, what’s happening in the court systems, what’s happening in the community.

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The highly competent lawyers at Petrillo and Goldberg represent clients with personal injury claims, workers compensation claims, slip-and-fall cases and automobile accident victims. We work for you, and take our job of getting the best possible results for you seriously.